
— Solving Linear Programs —

Universität Bayreuth




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Upload Linear Program:

Upload linear program. Column orientend text files (e.g. CSV format) are feasible. See help page for syntax details.

Decision Variables

No variables specified, yet. Please enter the decision variables of this LP.

ID Name Domain Comment Edit
(leave empty for default name 'x1')

lower bound (leave empty if n/a):

upper bound (leave empty if n/a):
0 variables filtered of a total of 0 variables. Page: of 0       Variables per page: (max: 250)

Provided free of charge for scientific purposes.
This tool comes with absolutely no warranty.
Hosting: Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.
© Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement; Programming: Stefan Seifert, Bayreuth.