
— Solving Linear Programs —

Universität Bayreuth




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  • Balinski, M. L. and Tucker, A. W. 1969: Duality Theory of Linear Programs: A Constructive Approach with Applications, SIAM Review, 113, 347–377.
  • Dantzig, Georg B. 1963: Linear Programming and Extensions. RAND, Santa Monica,
  • Gassa, Saul I. and Vinjamuri, Sasirekha 2004: Cycling in linear programming problems, Computers & Operations Research, 31, 303–311.
  • Greenberg, Harvey J. 1997: Klee-Minty Polytope Shows Exponential Time Complexity of Simplex Method. University of Colorado, Denver,
  • Klee, Victor and Minty, George J. 1972: How Good Is the Simplex Algorithm?, in: Shisha, Ovid (ed.): Inequalities-III, Academic Press, New York and London.
  • Koch, Thorsten 2004: The Final Netlib-LP Results, Operations Research Letters, 322.
  • Neumann, Klaus and Morlock, Martin 1993: Operations Research, Hanser, München and Wien.

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Hosting: Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.
© Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement; Programming: Stefan Seifert, Bayreuth.