
— Solving Linear Programs —

Universität Bayreuth




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In an Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) type of style, the following grammar specifies the syntax of a linear program:

Non-terminal Rule Description
symbol = <any symbol> ;
eol = <end of line> ; any of the sequences '\n' (Linux), '\r\n' (Windows) or '\r' (Mac)
eop = <end of program> ;
space = " " ;

Delimiters according to settings by user
decimal point = "." ; International style
thousands separator = "," ;
decimal point = "," ; German style
thousands separator = "." ;
spaces = space , { space } ;
blockComment = "/*" , { symbol } , "*/" ; cannot be processed across multiple lines
eolComment = "#" , { symbol } , eol ; ";" within eolComments will not be processed
comment = { space } , ( blockComment | eolComment ) ;
vComment = { space } , ( [ blockComment ] | line break ) , { space } ; optional comments in between a variable or line break within a line
line break = ( line | objective | constraint ) , "\" , eol ; add multiple lines logically together, line break can be entered within any line at any point
delimiter = spaces | ( { space } , "," , { space } ) | ";" | "\t" | ( { space } , [ ( "+" | "-" ) ] , { space } ) | blockComment | line break ; International Settings
delimiter = spaces | ( spaces , "," , spaces ) | ";" | "\t" | ( { space } , [ ( "+" | "-" ) ] , { space } ) | blockComment | line break ; German Settings

Basics according to upload by user
sign = { space } , ( "+" | "-" ) ; + indicates a non-negative domain (≥ 0)
- indicates a non-positive domain (≤ 0)
digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
number block = [ thousands separator ] , digit , digit , digit ; an optional thousands separator may be used to structure numbers in groups of three digits
integer = [ "-" , { space } ] , [ [ digit ] , digit ] , digit , { number block } ;
float number = integer | ( integer , decimal point , { digit } ) | ( [ integer ] , digit , { digit } ) ; 3. or .4 are feasible, 0. or .0 are equivalent to 0
rational number = float number , [ "/" , float number ] ; a number can be a fraction of two float numbers
name = symbol , { symbol } ; name has to start with a letter; if no name is given, numbers beginning with 1 will take that place to declare constraints; objective can also have a name
lp offset = { space } , rational number , { space } ; does not change the lp solution, but will change the final objective value

Limits according to upload by user
equality = "=" , { space } , rational number ;
lower limit = ">=" , { space } , rational number ; lower bound of a variable
upper limit = "<=" , { space } , rational number ; upper bound of a variable; N<=1 or Z+<=1 is equivalent to B
OR ZERO = {space } , "|0" ; semi-continuous variable that may take either the value 0 or values within given limits; should only be used with limits
limits = ( ( lower limit , [ { space } , upper limit ] ) | ( upper limit , [ { space } , lower limit ] ) ) , [ OR ZERO ] ; both a lower and an upper limit may be specified; the order is up to the user; also semi-continuous limits possible

variable type = "B" | "N" | ( "Z" , [ sign ] ) | ( "R" , [ sign ] ) ; B indicates a binary variable (∈ {0; 1})
N indicates a natural variable including 0 (∈ ℕ0)
Z indicates an integer variable (∈ ℤ); Z+ is equivalent to N
R indicates an integer variable (∈ ℝ);
if no variable type is given, R+ is assumed,
if only + or - is given, R+ or R-, respectively, is assumed.
variable domain = "[" , { space } , [ variable type ] , { space } , [ limits ] , { space } , "]" ; a variable domain is encapsulated within [ ... ]
variable = vComment , rational number , vComment , { symbol } , vComment , [ variable domain ] , vComment ; objective comments (left-hand side) will be assigned to certain variables, Note: constraint comments (left-hand side) are feasible but will not be processed
variables = variable , { delimiter , variable } ;

max = "M" | "m" , "A" | "a" , "X" | "x" ; upper or lower case does not interfere with solvability
min = "M" | "m" , "I" | "i" , "N" | "n" ; upper or lower case does not interfere with solvability
description = ( name , spaces , [ lp offset ] ) | ( lp offset , spaces , [ name ] ) name has to start with a letter; if no name is given, numbers beginning with 1 will take that place to declare constraints
objective = variables , "->" , vComment , ( max | min ) , vComment , [ variable domain ] , vComment , [ description ] , [ comment ] ; objective function is not required
constraint = variables , ( lower limit | upper limit | equality ) , vComment , rational number , [ comment ] ; lp with only constraints will be solved without objective condition ???
SOS = variables , "CS" , { space } , [ rational number | ( rational number , ":" , rational number ) ] , [ name ] ; special ordered sets ; default value is 1, but any rational number or even ranges are feasible
line = vComment | ( [ vComment ] , eolComment ) | <empty line> ;
lp = { line } , [ objective ] , { line } , ( constraint | SOS ) , { [ line ] , ( constraint | SOS ) } , { line } , eop ; if objective is used, it has to be declared before the constraints
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ID Name Domain Comment Edit
(leave empty for default name 'x1')

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0 variables filtered of a total of 0 variables. Page: of 0       Variables per page: (max: 250)

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Hosting: Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.
© Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement; Programming: Stefan Seifert, Bayreuth.