
— Solving Linear Programs —

Universität Bayreuth




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Help: LP Properties

Number Format

Choose how you want numbers to be displayed. By default, all numbers are shown concisely in fractions. If the numerators and/or denominators become large, the display may become quite unclear. Using decimal numbers for coefficients and solutions may improve readability.

Changing the number format will also affect the tab “Solution”.

Program Format

If the LP is not in standard form, a respective standard form can be displayed.

Download Linear Program

Click on the button “Download” to download the linear program displayed on the tab. The LP to be downloaded may be the LP originally specified on the tab “Specification of LP” or its respective variant selected according the user settings in the section “Program Format”.

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No LP specified, yet.

Please go to the tab Specification of LP and enter a LP.

Provided free of charge for scientific purposes.
This tool comes with absolutely no warranty.
Hosting: Chair of Technology and Innovation Management, Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.
© Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement; Programming: Stefan Seifert, Bayreuth.